Updated: 1/1/2022

This website presents recent research from projects that examine alternate views of two different inter-disciplinary fields: the FRACEP Project and the RABMEC Project.
Following these projects, is a bibliography and a collection of some other previously published research.


FRACEP develops an alternate view (beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics) of the most elementary building blocks of matter in the Universe. It presents a new composite substructure for the elementary particles such as the electron and quarks which is based on the assumption of the existence of negative mass. FRACEP also develops a unified potential that describes positive-positive mass, positive-negative mass and negative-negative mass interactions at mass scales from the largest masses to the sub-quantum fundamental masses.

. A Complex Unified All-scale Potential for Positive and Negative Mass (PDF file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2021, #353273843). This paper was presented at the American Physical Society “Quarks to Cosmos (Q2C)” (April 17-20 2021), The Bulletin of the American Physical Society, April 2021, paper KP01.00076. This work extends the analysis begun in the "Feasibility of Constructing a Unified Positive and Negative Mass Potential" paper. The FRACEP Unified Potential addresses Planck-length scales to the largest cosmic scales, characterizing both positive-mass and negative-mass sources. It demonstrates the repulsive behavior between positive masses and negative masses. Unlike the positive mass source which is totally real, the negative mass source has a complex potential with both real and imaginary parts.

. Fractal Composite Quarks and Leptons with Positive and Negative Mass Components (pdf file)

This paper was published in the International Journal of Modern Theoretical Physics, 8(1) (2019) 41-63. The object of this work was to study the feasibility of identifying a minimum set of fundamental particles that could be used to build up composite versions of the Standard Model quarks, leptons and bosons that exhibit the same properties and behavior as the observations. The result is a fractal-based heuristic model that has only two fundamental particles (with equal and opposite mass).The fractal-like configurations of the multi-tiered substructure for the quarks and leptons demonstrated a dual universe, one based on mostly positive mass (the universe we see) and the other based on mostly negative mass (potentially a contributor to the cosmic dark matter universe we see evidence of without direct observation).

. Feasibility of Constructing a Unified Positive and Negative Mass Potential (pdf file)

This paper was published in the International Journal of Modern Theoretical Physics, 8(1) (2019) 1-16. This work proposes the (less than conventional, but not totally new) idea of negative mass as one possible contributor to the solution of the cosmic puzzle of dark matter and energy. We empirically construct a unified potential valid from the macro-gravity scales through the quantum scales that is non-symmetric between positive mass and negative mass particles. We consider the possibility that the Newtonian potential could be a first-order approximation to a sine function - demonstrating an oscillatory behavior transition between the macro and quantum scales. The positive mass characterization is discussed here.

. The Unified FRACEP Potential: For Positive and Negative Mass Sources at All Scales Part c: the fundamental scale (update 10/28/19) (PDF file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2019, #327681038). This work focuses on the fundamental scales behavior of the FRACEP unified potential - extending the analysis begun in the "Feasibility of Constructing a Unified Positive and Negative Mass Potential" paper. It considers both the positive mass behavior and the negative mass behavior.

. A Brief Survey of the Standard Model of Particle Physics: the Database for FRACEP (PDF file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2019, #335967319). The focus of this work is to present the observations used to establish FRACEP, that is, a description of the fundamental particles of the SM database. The FRACEP Model developed a description of a set of composite fermions and bosons with internal components that are consistent with the observed characteristics of the SM particles using the SM as its database. To fully appreciate the motivation for a changing view of the fundamental world, it also presents a survey of the evolution of ideas on the fundamental nature of matter over time.

. Brief Survey of Quantum Models and Possible Negative Mass Solutions (PDF file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2019, #335967319). Matter in the Universe falls (grossly) into two categories: macroscopic bodies in the world of the large, and, microscopic bodies in the world of the small. Traditionally, matter was something that could be seen and touched or at least measured (in the form of the effects of the force it exerted on other masses). It was, therefore, accepted, by assumption, to be positive. This assumption impacts how matter interactions are modelled, from Newton and General Relativity at the larger scales to quantum mechanical models at the smaller scales. The focus of this work is to consider various quantum mechanical models - the classical Schrodinger equation, as well as, developments into the relativistic domain, that is, the relativistic Schrodinger equation, the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation. The discussion includes the assumptions, the requirements, and some of the rational for the developments.

. Fractal Rings and Composite Elementary Particles (FRACEP): A Picture of Composite Standard Model Fundamental Particles (pdf file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2018, #315496365). It was presented at the American Physical Society - Division of Particles and Fields in Salt Lake City, UT (4/18/2016), The Bulletin of the American Physical Society Vol. 61, No. 6, Session T1.031. It presents a conceptual model of composite Standard Model leptons, quarks and gauge bosons and their field mechanisms based on only two fundamental particles. It also considers the possibility of this model providing an explanation of dark matter and dark energy.


Book Version 2, 2016.
This book examines the concept of fundamental particles (the smallest pieces of matter that make up all of the matter in the universe. As presented by the Standard Model of particle physics, particles known as fermions and bosons are considered fundamental.  This book discusses why the fermions and bosons could be considered compound rather than fundamental. It develops a description of a minimum set of truly fundamental particles that are combined to form compound versions of the Standard Model fundamental fermions and bosons.  The new compound versions of the fermions and bosons match the Standard Model descriptions in mass, spin, electromagnetic charge and decay characteristics.


RABMEC presents an alternate approach to determining the timing of ancient mid-east events using mathematical Kinematic Relativity, comparative mythology and other available scientific observations. It begins with the calibration of the biblical Days of Creation in BCE years, and compares the mythologies of five ancient mid-east cultures to reconstruct a possible common origin source myth. It considers the dating of the legendary Egyptian beginning of the world (the Anno Mundi Event), and it considers the dating of other biblical and mid-east ancient kings and events.

. Dual-Time Concept and Mythology Illuminate Intersection of Science and Religion (PDF file)

This paper was published in the International Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 2019, 8(1): 42-62. Ancient stories, particularly those with religious ties, are often designated as mythology with no scientific credibility. The purpose of this paper is to show that Genesis likely has its roots in valid science but the time expressed, relative to the scientific record is non-linear. It provides a mathematical BCE calibration for the creation Days based on Kinematic Relativity, demonstrating that science and Genesis can be seen as totally consistent - differing only in the method of expressing their dates.

. Catastrophic Geological Event Illuminates Egyptian Kings List Anno Mundi Reference (PDF file)

This paper was published in the European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2021 9(6): 89-101. DOI:10.14738/aivp.96.11189. The focus of this paper is the legendary Egyptian beginning of the world event, Anno Mundi, to which Eratosthenes referenced the reign of the legendary first king of the Unification, Menes. Menes’ identity is still in question, and the nature of the event is left undefined. The paper concludes that a geological event (an unrelenting series of closely spaced eruptions on Mount Erciyes in Anatolia) in 8200 BP is consistent with the expected date for the Anno Mundi, and the reign date for King Scorpion(I) who is proposed as the most likely Menes

. Mid-East Cultures with Common Roots Imply Reconstructed Common Origin Myth, (PDF file)

This paper was published in the European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2021 9(6): 440-452. DOI:10.14738/aivp.96.11386. The relation between the most ancient civilizations in the mid-east (aside from obvious political ones) is often understated. However, non-obvious connections can have spiritual implications not easily recognized. This paper surveys the cultures of the five earliest civilizations (Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, and Hebrew) from a broader perspective for a more unified picture of the past than is at first apparent. The older unifying background is considered here, and comparisons of their mythic traditions are used to reconstruct a hypothetical “Common Origin Myth”. The outline of the reconstruction is based on Genesis 1: because, that can be reconciled with the modern scientific record, indicating an ancient “common source” possessed historical truth - not just symbolic analogy.

. Selected Mid-East Myths Provide Basis For Common Origin Myth Reconstruction, (PDF file)

This paper is published on ResearchGate (2021, #356788409). This paper collects the origin myths of the five earliest civilizations (Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, and Hebrew) that are used in the "Common Origin Myth" reconstruction in "Mid-East Cultures with Common Roots Imply Reconstructed Common Origin Myth" (European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2021 9(6): 89-101. DOI:10.14738/aivp.96.11189). Some myth-by-myth comparisons not found in the reconstruction paper are included.


Book Version 1, 2012.
This book views the misty and obscure times of the ancient past. It re-examines the traditional timeline of that period, and refines the dates of the historical Egyptian and the Sumerian/Babylonian king lines. By looking at the relative timing of biblical events in a different way, it provides new dates for the Exodus, the biblical Noah Flood and the Babylonian exile. It provides dating for the otherwise un-datable mythological kings of the Egyptian king line, and for the Egyptian beginning of the world (the Anno Mundi event) that have not been dated previously. Finally, it shows physical evidence that support the new dates of the biblical Noah Flood and the Anno Mundi event.



. Publications (pdf file)

. Abstracts (pdf file)

. The Second Painleve Transcendent and Nonlinear Optical Propagation (PDF file)

This paper was presented at the APL Symposium on Research and Development, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, November 1991. It presents a new transformation for the complex amplitude of propagating electric fields in optical materials. It shows a family of exact non-stationary solutions to the 1+1 and 1+2 dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equations in the form of a second Painleve transcendent.

. The Role of the Second Painleve Transcendent in Nonlinear Optics (PDF file)

This paper was published in Physics Letters A, Vol. 141, Issue 8-9, 417-419, DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(89)90860-8, 1987. It presents a transformation of the complex amplitude of the propagating electric fields in an optical fiber that shows a family of exact non-stationary solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. These solutions take the form of the second Painleve transcendent. In the case of normal group velocity dispersion (dark solitons), bounded solutions exist only over a finite range of the ratio of the nonlinearity to dispersion. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/license/by-nc-nd/4.0/.